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katy@pinksinsulation.co.uk | 07395949258 / 01706 584721

Recticel Powerdeck U 1200mm x 600mm – All Thicknesses (Sold in Packs)


Powerdeck® U is a high performance rigid PIR insulation board for use in warm flat roofs with bituminous torch-on felt waterproofing systems. Its optimum stability, strength and structural integrity allows for the flattest finish. Combined with its precision-cut dimensions, your installation is quicker, easier and more cost effective.

Key benefits
Good thermal performance: λ = 0.024 – 0.026 W/mK
Light and easy to install

30mm (16 per pack- 11.52sm)

40mm (12 per pack- 8.64sm)

50mm (10 per pack- 7.2sm)

60mm (8 per pack- 5.76sm)

70mm (7 per pack- 5.04sm)

80mm (6 per pack- 4.32sm)

90mm (5 per pack- 3.6sm)

100mm (5 per pack- 3.6sm)

120mm (4 per pack- 2.88sm)

130mm (4 per pack- 2.88sm)

140mm (4 per pack- 2.88sm)

150mm (4 per pack- 2.88sm)

No Spec Table Available.


Product Data Sheet

From: £78.34

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