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Resonate Resoboard Hammerfix Fixings 8mm x 80mm – Pack of 36


Compatible with Resonate’s range of ResoBoard 3 and 4 Acoustic Plasterboards, these 8mm thick, 80mm long Hammerfix fixings with nylon sleeves provide a quality fix suitable for all solid masonry, including brick and blockwork.

These 36 fixings can be secured with a hammer, ensuring a quick and straightforward installation process. However, if you wish to sink the screws, you will require a Pozi drive bit. You can also use a screw head if release is required at any point.

  • Pre-assembled for quick, easy and repetitive installation
  • Suitable for all solid masonry
  • Only a hammer is required for the final fix
  • Pozi Drive bit needed to sink the screws
  • Through-fixing, eliminating the need for marking and re-positioning

As the nail screw is driven into the building material, the plug sleeve will expand, providing an even stronger and more secure fix.

Please note:

  • It is recommended that you use ten fixings per board to guarantee a long-lasting and robust fix

No Spec Table Available.



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